Siemens Internal Learning Platform UX Audit

Key Methods
Heuristic Analysis, Competitor Analysis, User Interviews, Usability Studies, Affinity Mapping, Prioritisation

My Role
UX Consultant

1 UX Consultant
1 UI Consultant


1 month, 2021, remote

Client & Stakeholders
Project Owners, External Dev Vendor



Siemens Internal Learning Platform
MyLearningWorld is Siemens’ internal centralised learning platform on the desktop browser, which aggregates learning content from internal and external partner sites.

The Problem
After launch, the product owners found that user adoption and traction is not growing as expected. Our team was engaged to perform a UX audit and derive UX recommendations.



User Research

User Interviewee Selection
40 interviewees were selected based across largest job families, largest geographical regions, user platform experience and job seniority.

  • 50% new users vs 50% experienced users

  • 30% managerial vs 70% non-managerial

  • top 6 job families across R&D, sales, customer services, manufacturing, engineering, and finance

  • top 4 geographical regions across China, Europe, US, and India

User Interviews
For all users, to understand the user’s habits and preferences

  • Internet habits and preferences

  • Leisure & work habits and preferences

  • Learning habits and preferences

For experienced users, to understand their platform behaviour

  • How did you find out about the platform?

  • What do you use the platform for?

  • When do you use the platform, how often, and for how long?

  • Where do you use the platform, what context, what devices?

  • Why do you use the platform?

Affinity mapping of user interview responses and user testing observations

Affinity mapping of user interview responses and user testing observations

Usability Testing
Users are asked to perform tasks based on their platform experience, and to speak their thoughts out loud. Their actions are observed and recorded.
New users: onboarding, browsing, searching for content, doing a course
Experienced users: searching for specific content, using playlists, tracking learning, viewing badges

Affinity Mapping & Experience Mapping
Results were affinity mapped and user journey experience mapped to identify personas, pain points and design opportunities.


Heuristic Analysis

Usability Heuristics Review
Usability heuristics were scoped for evaluation of the platform, including Adaptability, Consistency, Desirability, and Visibility.
Heuristic analysis was performed along 3 user journeys - new user experience, returning user experience, and learning content experience.
Inconsistency across the platform and undesirability of visual experience were identified as key issues to address.

Content Architecture Review
400 contents across content categories and sources were reviewed for Consistency, Accuracy, and Errors.
Inconsistency across content experience and inaccuracy of content categorisation were identified as key issues to address.


Prioritized Recommendations

Prioritisation Matrix
Prioritisation factors including user impact, visibility of results, and implementation effort are assessed to map the recommended findings by priority.

Recommendation Sets
As per the diagram, High Impact and Mid-Low Effort is one of the proposed set of recommended findings. These findings are further categorised into user feature groups for the product team and external developer partner to align with their product plans, and decide the focus for further design and implementation.

* Simplified representation of the matrix, each post-it represents a finding.


Information is limited due to public confidentiality. For more details, please reach me at


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