VaRch: Data Vis for Architects Concept

In 48 hours, we conceptualized, design and prototyped <<VaRch>> for the Global VR Hackathon - Singapore Stage, clinching Champion and represented Singapore at the Global Finals in Shanghai. VaRch is a data visualization solution in VR for architects to understand how users interact with their site designs.


Unity, C#
GearVR, GearVR Controller, HTC Vive

More Details

Global VR Hackathon Singapore
The theme of this hackathon was using VR to innovate a cross-industry solution. As a team with computer science students and an architect student, we naturally came up with the idea of having a “UX tool” in VR for architects.

VaRch: Data Vis for Architects in VR
The product concept comes in 2 parts:

  1. End-users explore virtual architecture sites in mobile VR.
    Their gaze and paths are recorded to the cloud.

  2. Architects review the aggregated and synthesized user data in desktop VR., with birds eye view of hotspots and paths, and can jump into the model.

Product Flow

For more details, please view the video presentation, or contact me at


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